Rene Cline
K-4th Grades Exceptional Children Teacher
Rene comes to FernLeaf with a diverse history working with children in alternative educational settings including 15 years at a retreat and learning center, an Americorps youth garden project, wilderness adventure camps for at- risk youth, a play based preschool in Tallahassee, FL and a pre-school in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Rene grew up in Florida but fell in love with the mountains of NC during her many years at a camp in Highlands. During her camp years, Rene learned to be an instructor of rock climbing, camping, nature studies, low and high ropes courses, and white water boating. In 1989 she graduated from Warren Wilson College with a degree in psychology. While at Warren Wilson she participated in the work-study program on the maintenance, landscaping, garden, and forestry crews. From these experiences Rene developed a love of landscaping and gardening and continues to enjoy spending time with plants in her own yard.
After many years of exploring the world and raising her two children (now young adults) Rene has decided to come back to the mountains she loves most and settle in the Asheville area. Rene has recently added to her credentials a Masters degree in Special Education and has enjoyed starting a new career teaching exceptional children students in traditional classroom settings. Rene feels that FernLeaf is the perfect school to put her new degree and all her life experiences to the best possible use.