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Andrea Larsen

1st Grade Assistant Teacher

Andrea's excitement for being a Fern Leaf educator ignited when she was a wee one spending hours at her book shelf turning the pages until every corner turned soft with wear. She loved the illustrations, the smell of the ink, the sound the thumb and paper make as they turn the page, and how all together it transformed her mind into a whole new world.

Growing up in Michigan meant that much of her childhood was spent either in the water or in the woods and that is what led to her choosing Western North Carolina as her forever home. She has worn many name tags including Preschool Teacher, Youth Services Library Technician, Bagel Maker and Animal Caretaker. She is honored to be a part of the teaching team so she can help students feel safe and supported.

When not at Fern Leaf Andrea can be found reading in a hanging chair, swimming, learning new crafts and running slowly with friends.

Andrea Larsen
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