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FernLeafでは、実践的で学生中心の指導アプローチを取り入れています。才能のある FernLeaf の教師は、NC 標準学習コースから始めて、学習に命を吹き込むためのインスピレーション、専門知識、情熱を注ぎ込みます。


At our Creek Campus, FernLeaf K-4th grade educators blend whole group, small group, and individualized instruction to create a rigorous, active, and engaging academic environment for students.

Project based learning is woven throughout the content areas allowing students to apply conceptual knowledge while also learning critical thinking skills, fostering collaboration and curiosity, and allowing for deep, meaningful engagement.


The Lower School utilizes the Ready North Carolina Curriculum as a foundation to provide our students with instruction that is directly aligned with the North Carolina Standard Course of Study for language arts and mathematics. We supplement the ReadyNC Reading curriculum with Heggerty phonemic awareness exercises, daily Fundations phonics lessons, and small group guided reading instruction.  Teachers create engaging, project-based science and social studies units based on the Standard Course of Study and student interests, often incorporating community partners, field work, and real-world problems.


Our educators supplement their classroom instruction with iReady Learning, an online program that creates an individualized learning path for each student based on their unique needs.


Lower School students experience a variety of enrichment classes each week, including visual arts, music, movement, outdoor education, and Spanish.

FernLeaf Fundamentals Rigorous Academics
FernLeaf Fundamentals Rich Learning Environment.jpg


Our middle and high school educators are masters of weaving the North Carolina Standard Course of Study with their unique passions to craft rich and engaging courses for their students. 

Our middle and high schoolers learn through rigorous academic experiences, meaningful fieldwork opportunities, promotion of self exploration, after-school extracurricular activities, travel opportunities, and diverse elective opportunities.

Once students reach 5th grade, they are progressively given more opportunities to hone their leadership skills and to take on increasing levels of responsibility. Monthly field trips, domestic and international travel opportunities, and regular hands-on learning opportunities strengthen the school community and give students access to rich & meaningful experiences that support their education & enrich their lives.

Middle school students whose academic performance and standardized test results indicate mastery of seventh grade mathematics may be eligible to enroll in Math I during 8th grade.

Once students reach high school at FernLeaf they have the option to take virtual, AP & Honors courses as well as dual enrollment opportunities at BRCC, ABTech, and NC School of Science and Math.

See FernLeaf's High School Planning Guide here.

Upper School teachers use IXL as a universal screener to identify areas of need and to curate individualized activities to close existing gaps while enhancing student learning.  Students utilize IXL to follow their individualized learning paths and to complete teacher-assigned supplemental materials.

FernLeaf Academics



FLIP サポートの詳細については、こちらをご覧ください。




FernLeaf の進捗レポートは、標準ベースの評価レビューの形で、3 か月ごとに家族や生徒と共有されます。これらのレポートには、教師が観察に関連する追加の詳細を共有できる説明セクションが含まれています。


連邦法およびノースカロライナ州の説明責任プログラムでは、すべての公立およびチャーター スクールが州のテストおよび説明責任プログラムに参加することを義務付けています。 学校。定期的に実施されるテストには、ノースカロライナ州の 3 年生の英語科目と読解力の始業テスト、3 年生から 8 年生の年に 1 回の読解力と数学の学期末テスト、および 3 年生から 8 年生までの年 1 回の学期末テストが含まれます。   高校生は、特定のコースの修了時にコース終了テストを受ける必要があります.  の一部例外が特定された FernLeaf の学生は、学生の IEP に記載されている代替評価を受けます。

FernLeaf Community Charter School Academics
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